小菩提 發表於 2015-4-28 10:26

For the casualties of earthquake in Nepal. 為尼泊爾地震傷亡者祈禱

宗薩欽哲仁波切呼籲大家'目前和將來唯一能夠幫助的就是聽從尊貴的薩迦法王的指示。"Only thing that will help now and future is to follow Kyabje Sakya Trizin Rinpoche's instructions... "- DJKR
尊貴的薩迦法王針對尼泊爾地震的開示 請到網站http://www.douban.com/group/topic/74653813/?type=rec 索取 《蓮花生大師的意樂成就祈願文》和《蓮師遣除道障祈禱文》
"Only thing that will help now and future is to follow Kyabje Sakya Trizin Rinpoche's instructions... "- DJKRThe two prayers recommended by HH Sakya Trizin to chant for Nepal as below:Sampa Lhundrup - The Prayer to Guru Rinpoche that Spontaneously Fulfils All Wishes.https://www.facebook.com/notes/guru-rimpoche/the-prayer-to-guru-rinpoche-that-spontaneously-fulfills-all-wishes/10150361661141326Barche Lamsel - The Prayer that Removes All Obstacles from the Path http://www.lotsawahouse.org/…/chokgyur-dechen…/barche-lamsel

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