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發表於 2018-10-18 17:17 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


December 3, 2018

Time| 19:00-21:00 (18:15開放入場)

19:00 p.m. - 21:00 p.m.

(Admission starts at 6:15 pm)

地點 Location|

政治大學商學院1F 玉山國際會議廳


E. Sun International Conference hall, College of Commerce, National ChengChi University


聯絡信箱:[email protected]

主辦單位: 政治大學宗教研究所

協助單位: 欽哲基金會



宗薩欽哲仁波切 (Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche) 為當代重要的心靈導師,對於如何理解人類心性與社會現象有其獨特的見解。他曾獲邀至柏克萊大學、北京大學、台灣大學等校演講。仁波切所創立的欽哲基金會 (Khyentse Foundation) 近18年來,資助佛教學術研究、佛典翻譯、出版書籍並與世界各大學合作。此外,基金會多年來也提供政大宗教所獎學金,以鼓勵相關的學術研究;為此,宗教所在12月初邀請宗薩欽哲仁波切來校演講,針對佛教本身甚至是佛教如何與社會互動,給予年輕人一些洞察與想法。我們將收集二十個題目提供仁波切參考,因此,此次報名誠摯地邀請所有大專院校學生,提出你們對佛法、對生活、對課業、甚至對愛情的疑惑,一切和生命相關的問題來與仁波切對談。

Origin and Purpose

Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, endowed with the unique insight into human mind and social phenomena, is a significant spiritual teacher in this contemporary time. He has been invited to give speeches to University of California, Berkeley, Peking University and National Taiwan University. Khyentse Foundation, he established in 2001, has been sponsoring Buddhist academic research, translation of Buddhist Sutras, publication of relevant books, as well as cooperating with universities around the world. We are grateful to it for offering scholarship to students of the Institute of Religious Studies at National ChengChi University to encourage Buddhist researches. Therefore, we are pleased to invite Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche to give a speech at National ChengChi University to provide the youth with some thoughts regarding how Buddhism is interacting with the society. All the audiences are welcome to raise questions, not only related to Buddhism, but also the doubts about life, career planning, studies, and even love and emotions. We are going to collect 20 questions to refer to Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche.


The lecture will be given in English. Chinese translation will be provided.


報名資訊 Registration Information|


第一階段:10/22(一)08:00 - 11/04(日)24:00

第二階段:11/05(一)08:00 - 11/11(日)24:00




我們也將報名相關資訊放在"雛鳳與談" (Talk with the young elite) 的活動專頁及其他社團FB專頁上公布,歡迎分享。

  There will be a total of 250 seats for this lecture. The registration is divided into two rounds: the first round is only open for the teachers and students from colleges. The second part will be open for the general public to sign up after the rest of seats are released. Availability is limited.

The online registration form is as follows:

The information will be posted to the Facebook pages for this event and we welcome you to share the posts. (You can also search "雛鳳與談" on Facebook)

The first round: 8:00 a.m., October 22 to 24:00, November 4

The second round: 8:00 a.m., November 5 to 24:00, November 11


直播資訊 Live Broadcast



  We will have a live broadcast for the lecture due to the limited seats. Those people who are also interested in this lecture but unable to attend could watch the live broadcast. The link of the live broadcast is as follows: https://www.youtube.com/c/SiddharthasIntent


搭乘捷運文湖線(棕線)至動物園,轉搭 236、237、611、282、295、棕3 、棕6、棕18、綠1、指南客運 1503 至「政大站」下車。

(MRT: Taipei Zoo Station. Then go across the street for MRT shuttle bus Brown 3, Green 1, Bus 236 and 237 for three stops to NCCU.)



政大山下校園地圖 (NCCU Campus Map)



講者簡介 About the Lecturer


  Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche was born in Bhutan in 1961. At the age of seven, he was recognized by the 41st Sakya Trizin as the main reincarnation of Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö, himself the reincarnation of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, the most influential and respected emanation of Buddha’s wisdom, Arya Manjushri. Rinpoche has received a wealth of practice instructions and teachings from many great different masters of various lineages of Buddhism. His main guru is Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

  其著作包括《佛教的見地與修道》、《不是為了快樂:前行修持指引》、《近乎佛教徒》、《人間是劇場》、《上師也喝酒》等。另外其亦為電影導演,已拍攝的電影包括《高山上的世界盃》、《旅行者與魔術師》、《舞孃禁戀》、《Hema Hema: Sing Me a Song While I Wait》以及正拍攝中的《尋找長著獠牙和髭須的她》 (Looking for a Lady with Fangs and a Moustache)。他也創立了多個國際組織,其中「悉達多本願會」負責發行和保存仁波切的教法;「欽哲基金會」為非營利組織,致力於護持和增進世界各地佛法的修行和學術研究;而「八萬四千•佛典傳譯」致力將佛陀教言翻譯為現代語言;「蓮心基金會」指導一系列專案,用以幫助難民,尤其是受虐或貧困婦孺。

  Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche has published a number of books such as Buddhist View and Practice, What Makes You Not a Buddhist, Not for Happiness, Life as Cinema, The Guru Drinks Bourbon? and Living is Dying (there is no Chinese edition yet). He is also a renowned filmmaker, having directed The Cup (1999), Travellers and Magicians (2003), Vara: A Blessing(2013), Hema Hema: Sing Me a Song While I Wait (2016) and Looking for a Lady with Fangs and a Moustache (upcoming). He has also founded several international organizations such as Siddhartha’s Intent, which organizes, publishes and archives Rinpoche's teachings, Khyentse Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and promoting Buddhist practice and study around the world, the project "84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha", which works on translating the Buddha’s words into modern languages and Lotus Outreach, a non-profit dedicated to ensuring the education, health and safety of at-risk women and children in the developing world.


  Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche explains the Buddha Dharma in a very clear way. His talks are humorous and inspiring, helping the audience easily understand the core ideas of Buddhism. The talk will certainly be worthwhile!

 樓主| 發表於 2018-10-18 17:19 | 顯示全部樓層



  白玉塔唐 秋竹仁波切公開推崇道:宗薩仁波切的教法十分犀利,如同利刃劃頸,頭斷人不知,卻又深富啟發。本人特別讚歎推崇宗薩仁波切無私無覆的菩提發心,這種不限人種、區域,一律平等教導的精神,在藏傳佛教實屬難得。在現代,願意真正教導西方人或華人的密宗師父寥寥無幾,能做到超越教派、超越國度、超越種族的宗師更是稀有難得,是真正貫徹佛陀種姓平等的理念,而宗薩仁波切正一步一步、確確實實在實行。

  能獲得如此摩尼寶般的善知識,實應慶幸宿植德本,更要好好珍惜,護持宗薩仁波切的佛行事業,在其座下努力聞思、學習。各中心更要互相團結,不要互扯後腿,這也是我們身為佛教徒,能為佛法興盛、善識住世,所盡的微薄之力。本人團體雖然不大,但支持善知識及佛陀教法的決心,絕對不落人後。也希望有緣接觸到大界神幻的讀友,以及我的所有弟子,都能一起親近、護持這位如摩尼寶般的善知識 ---宗薩仁波切。

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